Case Studies : Cinemagraph(Living Photo) vs StillPhoto
Microsoft Case Study
Microsoft discovered the impact of cinemagraphs in their social media advertising during a recent social campaign for their latest line of Surface products. A combination of cinemagraphs and static images were used in Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram advertisements to target small and medium businesses (SMBs), as well as consumers. This allowed Microsoft to compare the effect of each medium on their engagement, costs and brand awareness. With 1.92 million impressions across an eight day campaign, the results were incredible.
Inkbox case study
Toronto-based start-up Inkbox, the creator behind the two-week tattoo, realized that in order to further scale their business, they needed to expand their marketing efforts beyond their extensive influencer program to include a robust digital advertising strategy. With a highly visual product, they required a solution that would reflect their brand identity and directly connect with their target market.
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